We are reconsidering the whole App experience.
15 years have passed since when we launched the App and the media world has dramatically changed.
In the meanwhile we keep publishing our books we are evaluating the possibility of reshaping the App experience.
We'll keep you posted!
Thanks for your interest and support.HOW the PadPlaces APP was working
WHAT IS PadPlaces?
PadPlaces is not yet another generic photographic gallery but a real photo-publishing platform completed by journalistic texts and E-Books. Browse the photographic stories by Andrea Pistolesi in his extensive worldwide reporting, with free download of professional portfolios, some selected photo galleries, stories, videos and E-books. PadPlaces is a gallery of recent works that can be searched geographically and will be updated regularly. With this app the author has the possibility of showing his work after completion, even before it gets published by major magazines internationally. You can keep the stories in your iPad and iPhone for future review.
Follow news updates and stories additions on our blog, or Facebook page, directly accessible from within the App, and interact with the author.
WHY PadPlaces?
iPad has changed the way editorial publications are distributed.
Now we are able to show full stories (not just the selection published on magazines) in the style (often not reproduced by printed publications) and sequence that represents the original author's idea and work.
For a small price, that will depend on novelty and number of images, you can download and keep on you tablet the full stories for future review.
HOW the PadPlaces Application WORKS
You can browse the available stories into four sections:
REPORTAGE includes complete photo galleries on major subjects.
PHOTOGRAPHY includes photo essays.
STORIES includes text and photos stories, like a chapter of a book or a magazine spread. The writers are major International journalists.
BOOKS includes complete E-Books.
When you select a story you will be taken to a presentation page from which you can choose to buy/download it.
Portfolios and some stories are free to download, the cost of other stories depends on novelty and number of images included.
Once the download is completed that story will remain into your App library, called MY STORIES, for future viewing. If you delete it, you can download it without having to pay again.
When you open a REPORTAGE from the library you will go to a slide show or manual presentation of the images, with or without captions is your choice.
The final page of each story presentation is a text page that may contain articles, short explanations and relevant links.
When you open a STORY or BOOK a reader will show you the pages scrolling.
MORE MENU is offering a geographical search of the stories, a direct link to blog, website, Facebook and Twitter within the application, plus the possibility to mail feedback and requests.